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  • Writer's pictureSara

It's results day!

Updated: Aug 10, 2021

So it’s been a long wait and an unusual wait to say the least, but it is finally results day! Hopefully you got the results you wanted and you’re off to your first choice of University! However, If your results aren’t quite what you expected have a look at our action plan below…

Call the University: Your first task it to call the university directly, many universities are accepting students who didn’t quite meet the requirements. Covid-19 means that many international students won’t be able to study in London this year so there may be more spaces available on your chosen course or on an alternative one… it’s definitely worth giving them a call to see what the situation is.

2. Speak to your teachers: They will be able give you some good advice on alternative destinations and courses. Remember, they have known you for two years so they will have a good idea about your strengths and weaknesses and may be able to offer you some words of wisdom.

3. Clearing: If you didn’t meet the conditions of your firm or insurance choice you are eligible for ClearingPlus. This automatically updates with the details of all the available courses. Make sure you look the courses online to check whether it is something you will want to study for the next 3 years!

4. Appeals: The appeals procedures this year is slightly different… unlike previous years you didn’t actually sit any exams so you can’t request to have your paper remarked but…

You can appeal if you feel your grade has been calculated incorrectly, or that the wrong data was used to calculate your grade. If you want to appeal your result you need to speak to your teachers. It is important to remember that if you appeal you results can be higher, lower or stay the same.

5. Resits: If you’re determined you could have done better, then you need to get ready! If you decide that you do want to resit an exam, then you need to let your school know ASAP.

6. Revise! It has probably been a while since you opened those text books… A tutor can help you develop a revision plan, perfect your exam technique and be ready in time for the exams. Contact us to see how we can help you get ready.

7. Take a Gap Year? If you’re still unsure about the next steps and uni doesn’t feel like the right destination for you at the moment, then a year out is never a waste of time if you plan it properly. Voluntary work… work experience… travel… the list is endless and whatever you do it will open up other opportunities for you and make your next UCAS statement look even better!

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