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Lockdown and online learning: State Schools vs. Private Schools.

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

Much has been written about this topic, is it simply a case of state funded schools being the 'poor relation' and that private schools were better equipped to be able to deliver online lessons?

Unfortunately, the answer is not that clear cut, studies have found that there are a myriad of factors that influenced whether or not students had access to online provision during lockdown. One factor that did feature heavily was the level of family income. Research by the IFS found that 64% of secondary pupils in state schools from higher income families are being offered 'online provision'. However, 82% of private school students were offered active help, with 79% being provided with online classes.

Nevertheless, these statistics don't give us the full picture, what does 'active help' or 'online provision' mean? What was the quality of the online lessons? How was the progress of students measured?

Many teachers working in the private sector have said that they felt students were just 'logging on' so that they were present for class, but they were not actively participating in the lessons nor were they completing tasks set. Furthermore, it is important to note that just because a lesson has been taking place online it does not mean that the students were receiving meaningful tasks, an hour of 'lecturing' via an online platform may not be suitable for many students particularly given the fact we were in unprecedented circumstances.

As lockdown eases, we are hopeful that come September schools will return to normal and that lessons will begin. But with the shadow of a second wave hanging over us, as social distancing measures, will schools be operating at full capacity? Will this blended learning (term for a combination of online and physical lessons) model continue?

This for many is worrying; as a parent what can you do to make sure your children are not falling behind?

The most important factor is being organised;

Timetables: Get a copy of your child's timetable, what lessons should they be having and when?

Information is key: What is the schools policy on blended learning? What is expected of students? Find out what sort of tasks they should be set by their teachers.

Exam papers: Most, if not all websites publish their exam papers and the mark schemes online - use these to help support your child's learning.

How can tutoring help?

Tutoring can help bridge the gap between school and online learning. A highly, experienced tutor will support and guide your child's learning. Help fill in the gaps, refine knowledge and perfect exam technique.

Having been a teacher myself I know just how difficult it is to give every child detailed feedback or one to one support. This is where a tutor is key - working with your child to build on their strengths and to help improve those weaknesses and importantly help develop your child's confidence in the classroom and in those all important exams.

We here at EducatedLondon provide online and one to one tuition, drop us a line to find out how we can support you.

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